Fragment of an Apollo’s foot

Exceptional reproduction of an imposing fragment of a foot, certainly the remnant of a colossal Greek statue lost since. Anecdotally, it is interesting to note that this foot’s proportions respect the very precise artistic rules of the time. Indeed, the mathematician Euclides (4 BC) having discovered the golden number rule which governs the proportions of the human body to make it look harmonious, revolutionised Greek sculpture. So, afterwards, every sculptor got into the habit of respecting the proportion’s relation, using “pi” and showed the second toe longer than the big one. This artistic detail was followed later by the Romans, as a sculpting characteristic for all their statues. This fragment does follow the rule, and is considered as being a genuine Greek foot. Maybe it was found int the Herculaneum or Pompeii’s digs? Its provenance isn’t confirmed. Wonderful old marble patina. Composite material.

Fragment of an Apollo’s foot


SKU: DAV101-R Categories: ,
  • Length: 65 cm
  • Depth: 55 cm
  • Height: 45 cm
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